Votech school
Votech school

Youth Organizations

Youth Organizations

Skills USA - Champions at Work
Skills USA is a national organization for the youth who are enrolled in full time industrial, technical, and health education classes. The goal of Skills USA is to help students with the interests in the industrial, technical, and health fields become happy, mature, and productive citizens. Membership is voluntary and any student enrolled full time in industrial, technical, and health classes may become a member. Skills USA is the youngest national career and technical youth organization and potentially the largest in the nation.

The purpose of this organization is as follows:
- To assist local members in the growth and development of "Skills USA".
- To unite in a common bond, without regard to race, creed, or national origin, full-time students enrolled in classes with technical and industrial objectives.
- To develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, technical, civic, recreational, and social activities.
- To foster a deep respect for the DIGNITY OF WORK.
- To assist students in establishing realistic career goals.
- To help students attain a purposeful life.
- To create enthusiasm for learning.
- To promote high standards in trade ethics, workmanship, scholarship, and safety.

Student Life:
- To develop the ability of students to plan together, to organize and carry out worthy activities and projects through the use of democratic process.
- To foster a wholesome understanding of the functions of labor and management organizations, and a recognition of their mutual interdependence.
- To create among students, faculty members, patrons of the school, and persons in industry, a sincere interest in and esteem for trade and industrial education.
- To develop patriotism through a knowledge of our Nation's heritage and the practice of DEMOCRACY.
- Selected students from the local club travel to compete against other schools (state level) and other states (national level). The competition is in the various skill areas as well as leadership.